What are you currently playing?

Also seem to struggle with this more and more, a lot of games are like that where you gotta push through some part of it before you start really getting into it but I also find myself not enjoying and just abandoning games

I think of it a bit like listening to an album. If I find I struggle to get into something, I first ask myself why I'm not enjoying it. If it's because it's overly familiar, I move on. If it's because it's weird / different, I give it a few more listens. Often those end up being some of my favourite albums.

I find the same thing can happen with games. I dismissed Dark Souls the first time I played it after walking off a bridge or something for the umpteenth time, being so used to kid gloves in games. It got so much praise I felt I needed to give it a proper chance, and was glad I did.

So taking the two recent PSN examples, I played a good portion of Sifu and found it a very smooth and intuitive experience, but ultimately not interesting to me. With Rollerdome however, it was a struggle to absorb and integrate the systems being thrown my way and I felt very clumsy on the initial few stages. Once it clicked though, the game made me feel boss, zipping across stages pulling off tricks and mid-air headshots.
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I think of it a bit like listening to an album. If I find I struggle to get into something, I first ask myself why I'm not enjoying it. If it's because it's overly familiar, I move on. If it's because it's weird / different, I give it a few more listens. Often those end up being some of my favourite albums.

I find the same thing can happen with games. I dismissed Dark Souls the first time I played it after walking off a bridge or something for the umpteenth time, being so used to kid gloves in games. It got so much praise I felt I needed to give it a proper chance, and was glad I did.

So taking the two recent PSN examples, I played a good portion Sifu and found it a very smooth and intuitive experience, but ultimately not interesting to me. With Rollerdome however, it was a struggle to absorb and integrate the systems being thrown my way and I felt very clumsy on the initial few stages. Once it clicked though, the game made me feel boss, zipping across stages pulling off tricks and mid-air headshots.
Totally agree that if you can give it a chance it feels great. Issue is those first few times especially since I don't get any long play sessions. If I'm not hooked early feels like work then I just end up not going back to it.

There are a lot of games I wanted to like but just not in me to push through for Abit. Guess I need to just find that from myself
I’ve been trying to figure it out.

I’m not a fan of the rouge-like experience where you have to replay levels over and over again unless there’s a real progression with the abilities, skills and story.

I LOVED Returnal and it’s just that so I look at Sifu and I think the progression in the abilities isn’t quite where I want it to be. Then it’s also a fighter so there’s button combos which I’ve always disliked.

Rollerdrome I just need more time on I think.
Helldivers 2 has been a lot of fun. Bugstomping has been great but still need to find my footing with the bots.
I have committed to restarting and completing a game that I adore but kicked my ass, so hard, in so many attempts, about third of the way in.
Been on my to complete list for a while.

I have committed to restarting and completing a game that I adore but kicked my ass, so hard, in so many attempts, about third of the way in.
Been on my to complete list for a while.

This game is just too good, I played it again after getting the plat and then got all the achievements on Xbox it's just that good of a game.

I get some comment on this but it's my favourite as far as fromsoftware games go

Good luck with it, it takes some work but is so rewarding once you have the combat down
This and Nioh are just brutal until you become one with the combat. I found Nioh a bit harder but also less rewarding in that some of the enemies are slightly cheap at times.
I started Evil West last night and it was not easy, I got to a boss fight and got my arse kicked a few times. I decided to drop to easy mode, it is now a totally different game. 100 times more fun.
Started Immortals of Aveum last night. Still very early but so far I’m enjoying it.

Looks like it’s about to get a couple of interesting updates with HDR being added first and then what seems to be consoles first use of FSR3.

I’m not going to bother waiting for those, when they come they come.

Started Immortals of Aveum last night. Still very early but so far I’m enjoying it.

Looks like it’s about to get a couple of interesting updates with HDR being added first and then what seems to be consoles first use of FSR3.

I’m not going to bother waiting for those, when they come they come.

I saw the updated for HDR downloaded today while I was play POP. Robocop has an FSR3 toggle, but it didn't seem to do anything. Will be interesting to see an implementation that actually works.

What I'm really interested to see is an updated version of this title for the Pro - going to hold off on it until then.
What I'm really interested to see is an updated version of this title for the Pro - going to hold off on it until then.
This game seemed to get a bit of a bad rap for the visuals and I’ll reiterate that I’m VERY early on but some things like the general art direction is very nice.

I can say that it’s pretty soft, that’s an area the new patches and especially the Pro could help.

Game feels quite fun to play so far but I need a lot more time with it before making any real calls on that. I’ll download the HDR patch now and test it out tonight.
Interestingly, the game updated while the console was in sleep mode and in the game. It's kinda hard to tell when the game has saved your progress so i just put it to sleep. Luckily it closed the game, did the update and when i started it again i was exactly where i left it. Which makes me think the game is constantly saving, or close to.

As for the update, i noticed quite a difference and the game is very colourful so it's exaggerated and looks very nice. There might be some placebo going on but i get the feeling that the increase to contrast has made the visuals look a bit better but absolutely there is still a lot of softness going on due to it having a very low base res and being up-scaled with FSR. It's all a bit messy because it's not consistent either, some cut scenes look okay and others are pretty blurry. Same goes with the gameplay, it is targeting 60 fps and feels pretty good most of the time. When combat gets bananas you feel the fps and pacing go all over the place. It's not down to 20s or anything but 60-40 is noticable and according to my LG VRR is not enabled and i think that could have helped a lot.

From what i know, which isn't much, FSR on the consoles currently doesn't allow VRR to be used. So if this next patch has better FSR and allows VRR then the improvement could be dramatic.

The combat can be a lot of fun, it's chaotic and there's so much stuff going on. Particles all over the place so it's little wonder that the machine struggles. Like having a firefight inside a fireworks display.

Another thing to point out, a lot of things like some of the volumetrics and magical visuals in the game run at 30fps (or something much lower than the 60 the rest of the game is running at) and it looks really out of place at times.

I like a lot of what these devs have done or tried to do and i'm enjoying the game. It's a real pity that it didn't get a decent reception and it's also a real pity that they didn't get these patches out sooner.
I finished Prince of Persia yesterday - what a great game! It has some properly challenging platforming sections, very enjoyable.

Unfortunately my "To Play" folder is RPG heavy at the moment, should have spaced the shorter titles between them. I suppose I need to get cracking, I'm thinking either the Cyberpunk expansion or FF XIV. I'm stuck calibrating my new TV for the next day or two, will see what my mood settles on once I'm done.
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