Dragon Age Veilguard


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Aug 3, 2023
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Upcoming BioWare RPG. Previously know as DA 4 and DA Dreadwolf.

I am very concerned especially after learning we will have only 2 active companions and the switch to a combat wheel. This is sounding very much like elven mass effect...

I guess I’ll take a “wait and see” approach. No need worrying about stuff yet unreleased.
Hopefully, it won't be another Andromeda moment for Bioware.
I've enjoyed pretty much all Bioware's games since I started with Dragon Age Origins/Mass Effect 1. Yes, even Andromeda (after the first 3 weeks of patches it ran pretty much fine for me but sadly it never won back public opinion).

There's a certain itch that only Bioware games can scratch. Their choice system and focus on companions is just special.

It's been a long time since Inquisition, I hope Veilguard is a good game but I have a feeling it's going to be rough around the edges and not well optimized considering it's still using the Frostbite engine which just doesn't cope well with RPGs.

Thankfully it should have the free 5 hour trial on EA Play which is included in Gamepass Ultimate so plenty of time to check it out at launch.
Yeah, I am hoping for the best for Bioware. If this flops, 100% guaranteed that EA is going to close down the studio.
Andromeda wasn't bad per say, I enjoyed the gameplay. But it's story was lacking and felt under par for what Bioware usually delivered.
Yeah, I am hoping for the best for Bioware. If this flops, 100% guaranteed that EA is going to close down the studio.
Andromeda wasn't bad per say, I enjoyed the gameplay. But it's story was lacking and felt under par for what Bioware usually delivered.

They rushed into the new galaxy and then left too much hanging in the hopes of a sequel. Also found the lack of new aliens pretty disappointing, hopefully Veilguard doesn't have the same budget issues.

“But we were only given the budget for two new species, plus the Remnant. Not to mention that we couldn't even include all the Milky Way species. And we weren't going to be able to let you travel throughout the galaxy. This meant that we had to develop the story around some pretty glaring inorganic limitations. So, not only did you get something that felt (and was) much smaller than what you got before, almost everyone playing the game probably had something that they really liked about Mass Effect that just wasn't there.”

Pollner goes on to explain something I mentioned above - that there’s an inherent disconnect between making your character an explorer in a game where the vast majority of gameplay involves killing. “Ryder the explorer should have a challenging and dynamic first contact experience,” he explains. “Instead, you're almost immediately killing kett. So, some very basic pillars just weren't lining up.”
Source : https://www.thegamer.com/mass-effect-andromeda-cut-content-alien-species/

Vibes completely different. Feels like Cpt. America is going to pop up and ask the squad to Assemble!
That was uh… something, I guess. Need more gameplay footage before I can really decide. But first impressions weren’t that good for me.
That was uh… something, I guess. Need more gameplay footage before I can really decide. But first impressions weren’t that good for me.

They made a weired trailer for DAI too so I guess the juries still out till we see the real gameplay.

My biggest concern about this game is more about quest quality. BioWare of old is not BioWare of present. They have not convinced me that they can consistently make quality quests that will really make me enjoy exploring their worlds.
My biggest concern about this game is more about quest quality. BioWare of old is not BioWare of present. They have not convinced me that they can consistently make quality quests that will really make me enjoy exploring their worlds.

Yup. Everyone left:

Noteworthy BioWare Departures
Drew Karpyshyn, lead writer on Mass Effect and Anthem, left in 2012, and then again in 2018
David Gaider, lead writer of Dragon Age series, left in 2016
Chris Schlerf, writer on Mass Effect: Andromeda, left in 2016
Ian Frazier, Lead Designer of Mass Effect: Andromeda, shifted from BioWare to EA Motive in 2017
Aaron Flynn, ex-General Manager, left in July 2017, shortly after Mass Effect: Andromeda's launch and after 17 years with BioWare (replaced by Casey Hudson, who previously had left in 2014)
Mike Laidlaw, ex-Dragon Age creative director, left in October 2017 after 14 years with BioWare
James Ohlen, lead designer on Baldur's Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age: Origins, leaves BioWare in July 2018 after 22 years
Ben Irving, lead producer on Anthem, left August 2019 after 8 years with the company
Fernando Melo, producer on Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, senior producer on Dragon Age 4, left August 2019 after 12 years with company
Mark Darrah, executive producer on Dragon Age, Anthem, Mass Effect Andromeda, left BioWare in 2020 after 23 years with the company
Casey Hudson, general manager, rejoined BioWare in 2017 to lead as GM and left in 2020, spent nearly 20 years with the studio
Jonathan Warner, Chief of staff, director on Anthem and producer on Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, Mass Effect trilogy, left BioWare in March 2021 after nearly 10 years with the studio
Christian Dailey, ex-Dragon Age executive producer left in February 2022 after 4 years with the company.
Jay Watamaniuk, ex-Mass Effect and The Old Republic writer left in July 2023 after 21 years with the company

Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/92277/bioware-writer-leaves-after-21-years-with-the-studio/index.html
Then you also have EA firing great writers like Mary Kirby(creator of varric,ect) during last year's retrenchments.
I hope that the game is legitimately good. The more RPGs I have to play, the better.
Yup. Everyone left:

Noteworthy BioWare Departures
Drew Karpyshyn, lead writer on Mass Effect and Anthem, left in 2012, and then again in 2018
David Gaider, lead writer of Dragon Age series, left in 2016
Chris Schlerf, writer on Mass Effect: Andromeda, left in 2016
Ian Frazier, Lead Designer of Mass Effect: Andromeda, shifted from BioWare to EA Motive in 2017
Aaron Flynn, ex-General Manager, left in July 2017, shortly after Mass Effect: Andromeda's launch and after 17 years with BioWare (replaced by Casey Hudson, who previously had left in 2014)
Mike Laidlaw, ex-Dragon Age creative director, left in October 2017 after 14 years with BioWare
James Ohlen, lead designer on Baldur's Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age: Origins, leaves BioWare in July 2018 after 22 years
Ben Irving, lead producer on Anthem, left August 2019 after 8 years with the company
Fernando Melo, producer on Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, senior producer on Dragon Age 4, left August 2019 after 12 years with company
Mark Darrah, executive producer on Dragon Age, Anthem, Mass Effect Andromeda, left BioWare in 2020 after 23 years with the company
Casey Hudson, general manager, rejoined BioWare in 2017 to lead as GM and left in 2020, spent nearly 20 years with the studio
Jonathan Warner, Chief of staff, director on Anthem and producer on Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, Mass Effect trilogy, left BioWare in March 2021 after nearly 10 years with the studio
Christian Dailey, ex-Dragon Age executive producer left in February 2022 after 4 years with the company.
Jay Watamaniuk, ex-Mass Effect and The Old Republic writer left in July 2023 after 21 years with the company

Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/92277/bioware-writer-leaves-after-21-years-with-the-studio/index.html

I remember when Casey Hudson left but didn't realize there were that many that left over the years.

Doesn't sound like many people are left from the good games (KOTOR, DA:O, ME1/2, DAI).

Gameplay trailer.
Not really sure about it. Feels mid.
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