Let's not be embarrassed!


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Aug 11, 2023
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Share your most embarrassing or hilarious childhood story – we all have one!
I once entered a pizza eating contest at the Brackenfell Pick ' n Pay Hypermarket. Met a guy I knew from my primary school in the queue waiting on my turn and I told him I could make my face go red - did it for too long and passed out. Felt like I just dropped and stood up again, but the crowd of people around me said different, was out for a minute or so apparently.

Still did the pizza eating competition - it's the only time I've ever fainted.
Still did the pizza eating competition - it's the only time I've ever fainted.
Did you win?

I got over getting embarrassed pretty early on in life, mid high school i'd say. Too many incidents of being called out in front of the whole school dulled my senses i guess. I also had a period where i was falling down stairs a lot. My best one was falling down the grandstand, luckily i missed about 5 levels and just hit the ground, right in between two barriers, just sprained my arm really badly. My friends got a good laugh out of that for years to come.
Did you win?

I got over getting embarrassed pretty early on in life, mid high school i'd say. Too many incidents of being called out in front of the whole school dulled my senses i guess. I also had a period where i was falling down stairs a lot. My best one was falling down the grandstand, luckily i missed about 5 levels and just hit the ground, right in between two barriers, just sprained my arm really badly. My friends got a good laugh out of that for years to come.

what about the rowing machine incident?

Did you win?

No - I missed the crucial step of folding the pizza :)

I got over getting embarrassed pretty early on in life, mid high school i'd say.

I had the opposite problem, I only learnt what embarrassment was later in life - the indignity my poor younger brother suffered being in the same primary school as me. The pizza incident wasn't embarrassing to me at the time, I only found it interesting that it could happen. It's only now in retrospect that I can contextualise the situation in this way.

I once hurled myself down a bowling alley, my fingers still in the bowling ball, because I thought it would be funny - it was, just not in a way anyone believed was on purpose. Once again, my poor brother.

Too many incidents of being called out in front of the whole school dulled my senses i guess. I also had a period where i was falling down stairs a lot. My best one was falling down the grandstand, luckily i missed about 5 levels and just hit the ground, right in between two barriers, just sprained my arm really badly. My friends got a good laugh out of that for years to come.

My Ls were very much self inflicted. I had issues when I was younger, I had no sense of what was appropriate. I would say and do things on a near daily basis that caused embarrassment to people around me and trouble for myself, least of all being things like breaking out into song in the middle of a class.
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It's weird that I am struggling to think of a real embarrassing situation. The one time that affected me that I can remember was probably around Std 2 where I was playing club football and did Cubs/Scouts.

When the new year started, I was "promoted" to team lead or whatever it's called in Cubs/Scout. There was another kid in my team (sorry, I forget the terminology) that was a year older than me, and his dad was pissed that he wasn't picked as leader as "he is the eldest". But it worked more about badges and leadership than age, but that didn't matter to this dad. So he complained to the Scout leader who basically told him to FO.

Turns out that later that year when the football season started, this same dad became the coach of the football team and he started to bench me every game. To top it off, he even made his son captain of the team even though he was crap and a bit of a wimp. So when the 3rd game started and I got benched again, my mom was pissed and had it out on the pitch with him. I was f****** embarrassed about that, wanted to die

It ended well though as the club "owners" saw the issue and knew my mom as I had been playing since grade 1, and went to investigate. Turns out this dad had not only lied about his football coaching qualifications, he lied about his son's age purely so he could put him in a younger team and make him captain. He even lied about his son earning "Eastern Transvaal" colours which was what you aimed for when playing in JHB. The following week the dad and son were no longer seen and I found out from my mom both the dad and son were kicked out of the club.

A few weeks later we played another local club and low and behold there he was with his son. The dad was one of those running up and down the side-lines shouting at his son and others even though he wasn't the couch. At some point he argued with the linesman to which next thing he just took his son off the pitch and left. I never saw then again.

What a horrible father/man he was
what about the rowing machine incident?
There was no one else around when that happened. Saved me the embarrassment, probably could have gotten me to the hospital quicker though.
What happened?
Old school rowing machine, the ones with springs attached to metal arms. We had one at home; i was eleven at the time i think.

Anyway i was using it working my arms and thought that i could probably work my legs too if i just sit on the seat facing the other way and pushing the bar down with my leg. I was right, it was working and being the genius that i am i was doing it my socks too. The sequence of events from my perspective was:

Pushing the bar down.
Getting a good workout.
Felling pretty good about myself.
Waking up on the floor in a pool of blood.

Of course my foot slipped off the bar which then sprang back and hit me square in the forehead, lucky for me it was dead center otherwise goodbye eye. Still have a small scar which is now blending into all my wrinkles, hard to see it anymore.
Old school rowing machine, the ones with springs attached to metal arms. We had one at home; i was eleven at the time i think.

Anyway i was using it working my arms and thought that i could probably work my legs too if i just sit on the seat facing the other way and pushing the bar down with my leg. I was right, it was working and being the genius that i am i was doing it my socks too. The sequence of events from my perspective was:

Pushing the bar down.
Getting a good workout.
Felling pretty good about myself.
Waking up on the floor in a pool of blood.

Of course my foot slipped off the bar which then sprang back and hit me square in the forehead, lucky for me it was dead center otherwise goodbye eye. Still have a small scar which is now blending into all my wrinkles, hard to see it anymore.

best part was coming home, to find no baby brother to torment, just blood on the telephone... long time before cellphones and voicemail / whatsapps. So couldn't even reach the folks or find out what happened until a few hours later.
How can you start a thread and not share 😂
Haha sorry. My bad. Lol

When I was about eight years old, my family went on a vacation to the beach. Excited to explore the shoreline, I ran ahead of everyone, eager to dip my toes into the cool water. Little did I realize that a mischievous seagull had targeted me as its next victim.

As I stood near the water's edge, the seagull swooped down and snatched the sandwich right out of my hand! Shocked and startled, I stumbled backward and ended up tumbling into a tide pool, getting completely soaked from head to toe. Not only did I lose my lunch, but I also became the center of attention as other beachgoers witnessed my comedic encounter with the sneaky bird.
Not when I was very young but about 10 years ago I got a position as a retirement fund consultant. The day of one of our biggest board meetings I got to work in a suit that was slightly small and went to get the docs I needed to have signed at the meeting from the cupboard.

It was on the bottom shelf of the cupboard so I bent down and the pants gave way at the ass

Not knowing what to do I contemplated just going to the boardroom early and remaining seated for the duration of the meeting but then figured I would have to stand to shake hands, eat lunch etc

So I walked across Sandton to the mall with the torn pants and waited outside Edgar's for them to open for me to buy another pants. The staff were helpful however most of them were in stitches when they seen what was going on.
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