Mobile Phone Charging (Cable/Wireless and Fast/Slow)

How do you normally charge your phone?

  • Wireless - Fast charging

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I do charge my phone using a traditional socket adaptor, but I wish I could buy this new charger for wireless charging.
I was keeping an eye on that user.

But they did post about DIRCO so not sure if this is some AI bot or a real user.

Pretty sure it’s one of those longterm bots that make themselves look legit and then slip the links in at random.
Pretty sure it’s one of those longterm bots that make themselves look legit and then slip the links in at random.

Indeed, they posted with a link last night. They has been banned.

I left the posts though so we can point and laugh at @Evil_Villain for conversing with them. ;)
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It looks strange, but I have enough to charge my phone once a day, even though I work from it and sit in the evening. They say the screen hurts your battery the most, apparently it doesn't apply to my phone.
POLL: So as wondering how you guys normally charge your mobile phones?

I have a Samsung S23, so I can charge with cable or wireless, and both support normal (slow) and fast charging.

I think I am just old school as I prefer to always slow charge, normally overnight via wireless charger, because my brain says slow charging is better and less harmful to the battery. Also, prefer the wireless charging as then it reduces wear and tear on the USB port. Only when I really need some charge and I am in rush to leave will I use fast charging.
I do the exact same.
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