Welcome back post

Crypto is bs, I bought a bunch of xrp bitcoins few years ago and made some money when it peaked, bought after the crash again and it was supposed to blow up after this court case but now it's just kinda stuck.
Crypto is bs, I bought a bunch of xrp bitcoins few years ago and made some money when it peaked, bought after the crash again and it was supposed to blow up after this court case but now it's just kinda stuck.

Welcome to financial/investment markets.

Crypto is no different than any other…it just has a whole lot more noobs who think they’ll strike it lucky with zero research or experience.

This thread helped us a lot in the early days with hosting games like Gears.

I still have my DD-WRT router and use it now as a print server at home.
What is the username of the nice girl that was on the old site? I can't remember it now.

Edit: Remembered now: Wyvern

She is still alive. Will see if I can summon her.
Welcome to financial/investment markets.

Crypto is no different than any other…it just has a whole lot more noobs who think they’ll strike it lucky with zero research or experience.
Yeah I'm over it, bit miffed it didn't blow up as it was supposed to after the court case, but am done wasting money on different bitcoins and waiting for them to blow up, just leaving it all in and if it does blow up then good, hopefully it doesn't all go to 0 though but it is what it is if it does.

all nonsense imo and thats before trying to understand any of it past buying/selling on exchanges.
Yeah I'm over it, bit miffed it didn't blow up as it was supposed to after the court case, but am done wasting money on different bitcoins and waiting for them to blow up, just leaving it all in and if it does blow up then good, hopefully it doesn't all go to 0 though but it is what it is if it does.

all nonsense imo and thats before trying to understand any of it past buying/selling on exchanges.

It did sky rocket for a little bit where you could hand make some good money but then as always it settles down afterwards.

That’s why it’s best to set limit orders and not live watch the markets.

Also much more likely to get emotional if you watch it live and then tell yourself you’ll wait just a little bit more before selling and then inevitably it dumbs again.

I’ve sold and rebought XRP 4 times now I think and each time basically tripled my money.
Yeah I'm over it, bit miffed it didn't blow up as it was supposed to after the court case, but am done wasting money on different bitcoins and waiting for them to blow up, just leaving it all in and if it does blow up then good, hopefully it doesn't all go to 0 though but it is what it is if it does.

all nonsense imo and thats before trying to understand any of it past buying/selling on exchanges.
Jesus, just sell the shit and get over it.
I have been summoned?

Hello everyone, I've returned! I managed to survive the challenging year and a half, and I've emerged even more resilient. I've connected with an incredible tech company that was in search of an office manager. I'm really enjoying the new job, and the company itself is fantastic.

Although I haven't had the chance to indulge in gaming lately, I'm alive, active, and flourishing. I've been working at this new job for approximately 10 months now.
I have been summoned?

Hello everyone, I've returned! I managed to survive the challenging year and a half, and I've emerged even more resilient. I've connected with an incredible tech company that was in search of an office manager. I'm really enjoying the new job, and the company itself is fantastic.

Although I haven't had the chance to indulge in gaming lately, I'm alive, active, and flourishing. I've been working at this new job for approximately 10 months now.


Welcome back :)
NIce. We need the 2 prodigals to come back still. Mantis and Dark Prince. Someone start a Checkers Specials thread!!
NIce. We need the 2 prodigals to come back still. Mantis and Dark Prince. Someone start a Checkers Specials thread!!

They are on Discord now. Seems they are settled there, doubt they will come back.
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