Division 2 Year 5


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Aug 3, 2023
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Love this game. Add me if you playing.
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Anybody playing make sure to find the snitch and then check out the new vendor added: Danny Weaver. Bro is selling Exotic caches.

May your luck be as good as mine was last night.

St Elmo's Engine in finally mine :)
Paradise Lost Incursion is .......shoo
2 hours of nothing but pain last night.
Gotta bring your A game, and most importantly, a squad with complimentary builds.

Thinking at the least need a Marksman/Sniper, an Assault/SMG damage dealer, and most importantly a Support / Healer build.
Game mode is made for 4, but a communicative 3 can get it done.

It is tough as nails. LOVE it.
Yeah, I'll join you when the new Division comes out. I packed D2 away about 2 years ago. You can blame Ubisoft for that though, make all these games that take months to get to 100%.
:) new seasonal 'free' content every 3 months. Continual updates. Weekly resets and events. Game is a content monster right now, that allows you to play past seasons legacy content as well. Don't know about 100 percenting Division 2 because of that..... I must actually check where my GS is at.

For sure near impossible if full gamerscore requires completing all content, let alone attaining max proficiency for gear in game, as it is currently.
No, 100% as in all achievements / trophies for the base game. I'm actually almost there but I don't see your Division stats on xbox?

If you liked Division 2, I can't recommend the expansion, Warlords of NY, enough. It is so much more than just an expansion. Div 3 is a loong way off. Hence the continued love from devs for Div 2. Max base game level will have you extremely underpowered and geared running around an Invaded DC on heroic, as well as not being able to access most content as it is now. NYC is crazy in the expansion.

:) I may actually chase the 100% now.

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There we go, now your achievements have pulled through and you only have easy achievements left - collect resources etc. Go for it
This week we have GOLDEN BULLET in the game world. Kill whichever enemy is / has loaded it before they hit you with it, and take it for yourself, Hits like a truck and buffs whichever side has it. Good fun. Activate the event. grab those event points and spend them before Easter Monday.

PS: Don't forget to clear the Invasion while you at it. XP and levlling gives you points and more importantly. SHD and field calibrtion tech. Never have enough of that

Division2 has content planned to 2026, including much anticipated Campaign DLC. :)
so disappointing. Maybe we will get it folded into Div 3. and may it be before i retire.
fuck man
Anybody on XB playing Div2 please add me, and drop a message. Will be nice to have a squad mate to strategise with for the more difficult content.

Very disappointed Heartland has been cancelled. Was really looking forward to it.
aah well, it just means Division 2 gets a fresh new set of legs :)
Anybody on XB playing Div2 please add me, and drop a message.
But you haven't been online in that game in over 2 months. What times do you usually play? I'm usually on from 11pm SA time till about 1pm but not on Division 2 -> I'm enjoying PS5 VR too much.

Have you tried the Looking for Group option in game? It's grouped by task/event/mission type
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