Requests & Suggestions

Seems I can reproduce this when clicking the title when on

Title => (Goes to first post)

Last post time => (Goes to last post)

I then see on the "New Posts" tab the link is

(Goes to first unread)

@biometrics Are these behaviours configurable?

View attachment 430
I selected New Posts and then Lets count to and my url is different:

I haven’t changed any user settings other than auto subscribe iirc. Don’t recall changing anything on the backend but I’ve been running my forum since 2019 so my memory is fuzzy.
Seems I can reproduce this when clicking the title when on

Title => (Goes to first post)

Last post time => (Goes to last post)

I then see on the "New Posts" tab the link is

(Goes to first unread)

@biometrics Are these behaviours configurable?

View attachment 430
I never tried to click the last post time xD, thanks for that.
I like to use the Latest Posts sidebar widget, can you increase it from 5 to 10?

Appearance > Widgets > New Posts > Maximum entries
The pic/image upload function here is great compared to previous forum, and others.
easy peasy from drive. no imgur upload and link copy needed. Like the way it resizes accordingly. Gonna be making good use of it
I love that you can copy/paste pictures directly into your post - upload not mandatory
I love that you can copy/paste pictures directly into your post - upload not mandatory
Yeah this was massive for me as well. No need for other accounts or anything else.
May I suggest you start reorganising your General forums, it’s all over the place, some with more sub forums.

Not to blow my own horn, but have a look how it developed on over time. Maybe I’m just anal about a nice flat logical structure.
Will Game specific Subsection be added in the future ?
Not going to add game specific sections , a game specific topic in the games section is good enough
not sure if anyone suggested this, can we get section for virtual goods, with a sub heading virtual currency, in game currency/codes etc as we used to have , also like on carb
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