Today's high and lows

Ja, I also don't think it's something we should be able to do, but what we should and can do is often two different things when it comes to SA.

We will see what our lawyers on the South African side have to say, but if they don't have anything workable we'll go into Home Affairs ourselves to see what can be done.

As far as I know it's registered against your ID number so surely they must just re-issue it.
As far as I know it's registered against your ID number so surely they must just re-issue it.

You'd think it's be as easy as something like that, but that hasn't been our experience.

@KenMasters PM me your full names and ID, I will then check Home Affairs for you, it will state if you are married or not.

Great, thank you so much!
High: After over indulging during Xmas festivities, no weight was gained which I am surprised at.

Low: Starting a final push to get down to 80kg.
High: My weight.

Low: The idea that I will have to go on a strict diet.

High: We are planning to go to Bali and more specifically Gili Trawangan so I have a goal to work to.
High: Back from probably our best SA vacation yet - little to no drama, got to see everyone and left feeling very positive about the future of the country.

Low: Very cold here in Copenhagen, snow covered streets makes running to gym a no-go. My wife just left to go sauna, looking forward to hearing how she managed the walk - all these years later and we still don't have our snow legs.
High: Back from probably our best SA vacation yet - little to no drama, got to see everyone and left feeling very positive about the future of the country.

Low: Very cold here in Copenhagen, snow covered streets makes running to gym a no-go. My wife just left to go sauna, looking forward to hearing how she managed the walk - all these years later and we still don't have our snow legs.

Ironically, my cousin who lives in Copenhagen, spent 2 weeks with us from xmas through to the 7th, and she and her mom also had an awesome time here - we took them to Zebula, to Sun City, to malls, to a few nice restaurants, they shopped like queens and they never even got to experience load shedding (actually, I think they had it 1 day only and it was easily managed).

I'm glad you guys had a good time too. Things are not great here, but they're definitely not as bad some people like to make out... let's see with the run-up to the elections though...
Ironically, my cousin who lives in Copenhagen, spent 2 weeks with us from xmas through to the 7th...

I heard your cousin was in Copenhagen while showing Bosquito around, he said knew her from his school days.

Things are not great here, but they're definitely not as bad some people like to make out... let's see with the run-up to the elections though...

There's no denying SA has some significant issues to overcome, but what was reassuring for my wife and I was seeing positive trends on a social level. More visible integration, racist family members being aware that their views are not socially acceptable, big drop in angry stares. It's my contention that the reason SA is in the state it's in is the failure of our society to find cohesion post Apartheid, but in our short visit this year it felt like SA is really turning a corner in this regard.

Perhaps it's poor governance that's helping people find common ground, but I feel like that side of things will sort itself out once we come to view ourselves as a collective. Of course I was just in the Western Cape, I hear it's quite different in other parts of the country.
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I heard your cousin was in Copenhagen while showing Bosquito around, he said knew her from his school days.

There's no denying SA has some significant issues to overcome, but what was reassuring for my wife and I was seeing positive trends on a social level. More visible integration, racist family members being aware that their views are not socially acceptable, big drop in angry stares. It's my contention that the reason SA is in the state its in is the failure of our society to find cohesion post Apartheid, but in our short visit this year it felt like SA is really turning a corner in this regard.

Perhaps its poor governance that's helping people find common ground, but I feel like that side of things will sort itself out once we come to view ourselves as collective. Of course I was just in the Western Cape, I hear it's quite different in other parts of the country.

Wow... what a small world!

Yes, WC is definitely the area that (excluding some parts of it) seems to be working well, as evidenced by all the semigration going on... but Pretoria ain't too bad either.
Perhaps it's poor governance that's helping people find common ground, but I feel like that side of things will sort itself out once we come to view ourselves as a collective. Of course I was just in the Western Cape, I hear it's quite different in other parts of the country.

There’s definitely an element of self-governance at play where people have just taken it upon themselves to get shit done and in doing so built community around it.

Having done a bike trip across three provinces I’ve had similar sentiments in other areas, but the WC definitely works better overall as there is less governmental failure.
Self-determination of each individual citizen is what will keep the country going despite the government in charge.
Whoever is elected for governance after the upcoming elections will have to start getting Electricity generation (** corruption) in order, because the local private sector wrt energy conversion & storage has grown TREMENDOUSLY the last 5 years.
Self-determination of each individual citizen is what will keep the country going despite the government in charge.
Whoever is elected for governance after the upcoming elections will have to start getting Electricity generation (** corruption) in order, because the local private sector wrt energy conversion & storage has grown TREMENDOUSLY the last 5 years.
Exactly, people like myself couldn't give two figs about Eskom and that is ultimately a very bad thing but there will be a turning point where most won't need them or care about them because private generation does a better job of it.

I use more power now than I ever did...and only really use Eskom out of convenience not because I have to.

They are "losing" 40+ kWh a day that I would alternatively have bought from them and the more people who do the same the close they come to implosion even without the corruption.
Exactly, people like myself couldn't give two figs about Eskom and that is ultimately a very bad thing but there will be a turning point where most won't need them or care about them because private generation does a better job of it.

I use more power now than I ever did...and only really use Eskom out of convenience not because I have to.

They are "losing" 40+ kWh a day that I would alternatively have bought from them and the more people who do the same the close they come to implosion even without the corruption.

The old South African proverb of “‘n boer maak ‘n plan” rings more true than ever now.

We are a nation of pioneers and people getting shit done.
Glad to hear things are improving, or at least people are improving.

SAA are starting direct flights again so i'm under pressure from the wife to make a trip back. Still expensive but at least it's 11 hours flying instead of a 20 hour journey.
Glad to hear things are improving, or at least people are improving.

SAA are starting direct flights again so i'm under pressure from the wife to make a trip back. Still expensive but at least it's 11 hours flying instead of a 20 hour journey.

Also saw that... and I will join your wife in applying that pressure! But if you do, then let us know ASAP so we can plan. Otherwise I'm gonna look for options next Dec/Jan.
Glad to hear things are improving, or at least people are improving.

caveat emptor: It's only better for those of us doing what it takes and with the means to provide for ourselves. Otherwise it's mostly the same... I won't lie, no longer being at the mercy of Telkom has dramatically improved our home life! Spending R160k was a bargain in the end. I won't really have to think twice about spending another R40k on increasing my battery storage before winter...
Otherwise I'm gonna look for options next Dec/Jan
You should be doing that anyway!

caveat emptor:
Yes money solves a lot of problems and it’s going to be an easy sell politically to point to the rich whites that once again don’t suffer. But that is what it is.

On the EV side. If depreciation is so bad on them just get a second hand one cheap!

A few people here are using them as a giant home storage solution. Cars with V2G sitting with 40-60KWh batteries. If you work from home they are easy to fill off solar and the amount of driving never needs even 20% of the battery daily.
Glad to hear things are improving, or at least people are improving.

SAA are starting direct flights again so i'm under pressure from the wife to make a trip back. Still expensive but at least it's 11 hours flying instead of a 20 hour journey.

I thought SAA went bankrupt?
I thought SAA went bankrupt?
Surely you would know by now that it is impossible for ANY state-owned company to go bankrupt..........endless blackhole of taxpayer money to bail out any perpetually bankrupt company.
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