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If you are in SA this helps, not fool proof but certainly reduces the frequency.

We have a similar option in Denmark. It gets telemarketers off your back, but does nothing to stop the scammers with spoofed numbers.

...I’ve got the tax office after me and there’s always a parcel for me at customs.

The parcel one's a classic! The tax ones though terrify my wife, falling foul of Danish tax law is a big fear of hers.
The tax ones though terrify my wife, falling foul of Danish tax law is a big fear of hers.
I explain to everyone i can that the main tactic is to get to you to panic. Scare tactics to make you do something you normally wouldn't.

The main thing is to realise that a bank, tax office, customs even the police would never make you panic. You'll always get a nice phone call trying to assist you, giving you options etc.

Had a work colleague get done a couple of years back by a visa scam, threatening her with deportation if she didn't make a payment TODAY. They would just never treat anyone like that. And she works at a bank and is a smart cookie, so they just caught her on a bad day and in a panic.
Went to the shops with my mom. I was absolutely shocked at the cost of groceries. I am deadly serious when to me it seems grocery prices for at the very least doubled since we left end 2019.
jassis. I got acid reflux just looking at that.
would have been all over that a few years ago :(
Went to the shops with my mom. I was absolutely shocked at the cost of groceries. I am deadly serious when to me it seems grocery prices for at the very least doubled since we left end 2019.

Ja, I tell people that European shop prices are not far different from ours.
I am that guy now. When I see South Africans posting bling bling, money showers, wads of cash on social media, I repost and tag @sarstax.
Daryl Davis was once an aspiring and successful musician. He had played with Chuck Berry, B.B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Muddy Waters. However, his true claim to fame, the legacy he has forged came in a very different way.

He went out of his way to befriend KKK Grand wizard, Roger Kelly. He spent years building trust between them and laying the foundation of what became a friendship. They broke bread at each other’s tables. They welcomed each other into their homes. Davis even went as far attending Klan rallies as a guest of Kelly.

Most importantly, Davis cultivated an atmosphere of listening. He didn’t hate Kelly because Kelly hated him. Instead he listened to Roger Kelly. And eventually, Kelly started listening to him. This lead to the two realizing they had far more in common than not.

In the end, Kelly denounced his ties to the KKK. So much so, he handed his hood and robe to Daryl Davis.

In total, Davis has seen over 200 klan members walk away from the KKK and hand over their robes and hoods to Daryl. Daryl Davis is a world changer. Replacing hate with love. Because love conquers hate... every time.
Had an urge to watch Cocoon from 1985. But alas, not available for rental or streaming in the UK

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