Today's high and lows

High - Forum is back!

Low - Sunday night 😑
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Reactions: JoE
High: Forum back

Low: Can't upload images, get 403 error 🤨
Low: Started work again today.
High: Office manager sent me a message asking why I am online, turns out I am still on leave today.
High - great to have the forum up
Low - Blue Monday this side
Low: The more things change...
High: The more they stay the same :)
High: Forum is back and I bought Baldurs Gate 3 today.
Low: It's really cold and I can't play Baldurs Gate 3 today.
High: Forum picking up, enjoying it more than Discord.

Low: Have a project starting (well started today) which is gonna keep me super busy for 4 weeks.
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High : Nice warm day in CPT today
Low : Second post i want apply for at work, but i cant :cautious:
High: Old names I recognise coming back :)
Low: Work....
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