Today's high and lows

Low: My bank balance after paying for my solar set-up.

These solar setups are quite nice. Last time we were down we were subject to load-shedding, this time about we never even knew when it was happening. Works really well - though I do believe it was a pain for my folks to get it right, as the system was initially under specced.
These solar setups are quite nice. Last time we were down we were subject to load-shedding, this time about we never even knew when it was happening. Works really well - though I do believe it was a pain for my folks to get it right, as the system was initially under specced.

Ja, I am going quite big and trying to future proof.
High: First day of increment planning done. So tired of talking.

Low: Only 2 more to go.

High: Getting a delicious kebab meal that I love for dinner.

Low: Rest of the weeks temps are 38, 40, 40 and 35.
I love the heat, that is why I try and go to places that are hot when on holiday.
I’m becoming less tolerable to hot and cold. I want a consistent 20-odd. Some regional places here are hitting 50. But you don’t want to holiday there.
High: drunk as skunk from London

Low: Hangover tomorrow incoming.

Higher: Lots of hot chicks walking around London at night.

I wish Copenhagen had more UK style pubs, the local spots with good beer selections don't offer food.
Had one of those non-stop work weeks where I was involved in everyone else in the company’s problems and not getting time for my own stuff.

Last minute one of my vendors popped up and said they are in Cape Town do we want to go for lunch on Friday and I wasn’t planning to go in to the office and had fokkol lus to change my plans but then I was like okay fine.

Turned into one of those work lunches where we managed to talk work and plan for the year and still social a bjt and drink three bottles of wine between three people over almost four hours.

People disregard what a bit of organic face to face time can achieve in so short a time with everything being so disconnected and virtual now.
Ja, I make a plan to take my bigger clients out for a lunch meeting, a lot can be done over a quick beer or glass of wine.
High: 3 days until SA trip.

Low: Lots of work to do before then. Been working extra so I will have a day or 2 free.
High: Logging off, got some packing to do still.

Low: Not too excited about the flight, flying economy, won't sleep, legs will ache, and will be grumpy tomorrow.

High: At least it Virgin Atlantic and not that budget airline British Airways.
High: feels good to be back in SA for a bit, weather is stunning.

Low: having zero sleep on flight messed up my clock. Passed out at 9:30pm, woke up at 3:30am. Still tired but wide awake, and now the sun is rising.
Low: 42 today, 43 tomorrow. 2023 hottest year on record, Jan already beat last Jan and Feb looks like it’ll smash last year. Nothing to worry about people.

High: decent weekend so far, pity they are so short.
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