Xbox is just a meme at this point

Nyt Ryda

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Aug 9, 2023
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Today, one day after Microsoft announced that it would shut down four of its games studios, Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, held a town hall to discuss the division’s future goals.
“We need smaller games that give us prestige and awards,” Booty told employees, according to internal remarks shared with The Verge.
They are so competitive with Sony that even when Sony does something stupid sparking a PR disaster MS is right there to say “Hold my beer”.

Xbox is a disaster.
They talked so much about not competing with Sony and Nintendo in the build up to this generation that they end up competing with themselves instead of just carving out their little niche market.
In other news, Microsoft know exactly what they are doing, and they don't care about your feelings.

Posting on LinkedIn, former Microsoft PR manager Brad Hilderbrand talked at length about what he believes to be the reasons behind this shock change in direction over at Xbox. The long-and-short of his post is that Hilderbrand thinks Xbox Game Pass and Activision Blizzard are those two reasons - with the ActiBlizz acquisition potentially complicating the team's Game Pass strategy.

So games like Hi-Fi Rush, which is incredible mind you, gets a very small bump in revenue from being the hot Game Pass game for a month, then it falls off a cliff when everyone moves onto the next thing. Poor Redfall had it even worse since it launched so rough, it never had a chance. This system was fine for a while when Game Pass was growing like gangbusters, but now it's slowed way down and the amount of revenue it's attributing to games isn't keeping up with the budgets to make them.

So far, the big bets on driving new subscriptions (Redfall, Starfield) haven't spurred near enough growth, and there's not much on the horizon that is likely to restart the momentum. The best bet is COD, but do you really risk the guaranteed sales revenue that franchise brings by putting it on Game Pass on Day 1 and potentially lose massive sales? I don't know what the plans are, but either you put it on Game Pass and lose money, or you don't and the subscribers revolt because they think that's what they signed up for."


Sarah: “And the last piece is about game pass. We know our core users love game pass, game pass is a gaming subscription, you get a whole portfolio of games, but importantly you get every single one of the games we build day one in game pass. And the quality and the breadth of those games has only been going up over time. And you’re going to see some more really big games going into Game Pass later this year.”

Dina: “From Activision’s portfolio or?”

Sarah: “Across the whole slate, across the whole slate, you’re going to see some really amazing things. And keeping that as something that is really special for Xbox players is central to us.”

I hope this quote ages well. If the new COD is announced in the *redacted* June conference and they don't say its coming to Gamepass then MS is going to have the biggest internet uproar since the mandatory Kinect+internet connection E3 conference for the XB1.
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I hope this quote ages well. If the new COD is announced in the *redacted* June conference and they don't say its coming to Gamepass then MS is going to have the biggest internet uproar since the mandatory Kinect+internet connection E3 conference for the XB1.

I am 99.9999% sure it will come to GP.
I hope this quote ages well. If the new COD is announced in the *redacted* June conference and they don't say its coming to Gamepass then MS is going to have the biggest internet uproar since the mandatory Kinect+internet connection E3 conference for the XB1.
Maybe Phil does it just to rile up the the god troll
Xbox Veteran Suggests Recent Decisions 'Probably Aren't Being Made By Phil Spencer'

" The reason this seems so inconsistent with previous Xbox leadership team statements is that these decisions probably aren't being made by Phil. This is all getting dictated by [Microsoft CEO] Satya [Nadella] and [Microsoft CFO] Amy Hood, and it all stems from the Activision acquisition."

"I 100% believe this is a board-level decision. Xbox was a huge profit center, so Satya approved a huge merger. Now, games are slowing, and Microsoft stock is skyrocketing and there is no way Satya is going to let Xbox drag it down. This is all my opinion, of course, but…I'm fairly certain these are not decisions being made only by Xbox leadership."

“Xbox” is now “Microsoft Gaming”. I think that’s true.

Ninja Theory is gonna get gutted after Hellblade II comes out.
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Is the outrage over the studios they have shuttered?

Didn't notice anything different on my XBSeries X :sneaky:
Is the outrage over the studios they have shuttered?

Didn't notice anything different on my XBSeries X :sneaky:

News just in.
Man with console that has no games says he notices nothing different after console manufacturer takes steps to ensure it stays without games.

More to follow after the next quarterly financial results
Fully agree. The acquisition of the other studios have given them the opportunity to make gamepass THE subscription service for gamers but they've missed an open goal and let others adapt to the point where sony doesn't even have to have a major release and still outperform xbox 5:1 in console sales.

All they needed to do post activision acquisition is:
1. 'Strategically consolidate' their studios instead announcing they're closing them down ( I do understand that the market is tough)
2. Make online MP free like it is for PC so you're not only attracting gamepass subscribers but also a younger fanbase that can afford one title at a time instead of a subscription service
3. Have a steady stream of smaller games from the smaller studios which are easier / cheaper to create and compliment these with a release of an older activision / bethesda / whatever other studio title during the filler months in addition to the usual gamepass additions

It's all about growing numbers and sustaining that player base and they seem to just think that buying things will get them there but have no strategy from there which is surprising for a business of their size. BUT financially they seem to be doing alright so who am I to criticise.
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